Drawing Near to the End!

In two weeks from now, we would have hit our deadline for our project.  Despite this, our team stays strong, working on any small improvements in order for our game to be the best it can be. Throughout our journey we have grown as developers and our ability to work in a team has become a well worked skill.  

Riff Raff studios is an example of how far you can go. Our team started from 0 and built up our audience with a team of dedicated web and game developers; we have worked through this deadline tirelessly to produce our game but if you have no time restraints,  then imagine what you could accomplish.  If you want any tips on how to gather a crowd to your games, we will be posting in the following days our strategy, what did and didn't work, how we planed out our marketing and lastly, a review on how it went overall.  

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